Results for 'César O. Carbullanca N.'

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  1.  23
    Apocalyptic theodicy. Contributions for a sociodicea.César O. Carbullanca N. - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48:195-223.
    Resumen A partir de la formulación weberiana de teodicea, esta pesquisa sostendrá la centralidad de la cuestión de la teodicea para la religión. No obstante, la definición weberiana de teodicea presenta problemas para su aplicación a textos de la antigüedad, pues, a juicio de Sarot, la teodicea sería un fenómeno moderno que marcaría una nueva manera de pensar sobre el mal. A partir de lo cual, el artículo pasa revista a diversas teodiceas mostrando la variedad de respuestas, colocando en evidencia (...)
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    El Hijo del hombre joánico: Una teología del martirio y de la exaltación.César Carbullanca N. - 2012 - Teología y Vida 53 (1-2):193-223.
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    Martirio y arrebato en la apocalíptica judía: Una propuesta de estética teológico-bíblica.César Carbullanca N. - 2013 - Teología y Vida 54 (3):411-439.
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  4.  45
    ¿ Una teología del martirio en 1QHa y 4Q491c?César Carbullanca Núñez - 2011 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 120 (25):119-131.
    El artículo pretende poner en duda las explicaciones acerca de la existencia de una cristología de la exaltación o una dependencia de los dichos sinópticos sobre el Hijo del hombre y además pretende dar antecedentes sobre la vinculación entre exaltación y muerte en el texto de los 1QHa y 4Q491c presente en la literatura de Qumrán, lo que arroja luz acerca de la existencia de una teología del martirio que se desarrolló en tiempos pre-cristianos que integraba tanto los aspectos de (...)
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    Los mártires olvidados: Un estudio de los imaginarios del martirio en la fuente de los dichos.César Carbullanca Núñez - 2014 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 31:135-160.
    El artículo expone diversos paradigmas relativos al martirio en la fuente de los dichos, intentando mostrar que el cristianismo asumió y elaboró tradiciones judías relativas al martirio para indicar que la comunidad vivía los últimos tiempos antes del juicio, explicando el sentido de los hechos que acontecían y específicamente de la muerte de Cristo y los cristianos. De manera particular se detiene en el paradigma de la pasión del justo, el cual postula una inversión escatológica de los sujetos del eschaton (...)
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  6.  19
    El estatuto del lenguaje de la religión. La búsqueda de un lugar en Latinoamérica.César Carbullanca Nuñez & Martin Becker Lorca - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e85727.
    La investigación actual ha puesto de relieve la centralidad del lenguaje de la religión para un estudio científico de la disciplina en Latinoamérica, esta afirmación contrasta con el hecho que el lenguaje de la religión ni siquiera es indicada en los manuales como una subdisciplina, o apenas mencionada como un área en construcción, esto muestra la falta de una fundamentación teórica sobre el estatus epistémico de esta disciplina. El lenguaje de la religión no se refiere al carácter instrumental del lenguaje (...)
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  7.  23
    Editorial v.34 n.72–2020: O fim dos periódicos pode ser dito de muitas maneiras.Marcos César Seneda - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1041-1049.
    Muito se tem falado acerca de avaliação unitária do que é publicado, mas pouco se tem discutido acerca dos veículos que asseguram todo o processo de avaliação. Trata-se de um interesse ingente da época – e interesse parece uma roupa bem mais leve para encobrir a palavra moda – que recai sobre a cientometria, que é o Cíclope que domina e percorre o grande domínio da produção científica atual. Sua ingente tarefa é metrificar essa produção científica pelo número de citações. (...)
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  8.  22
    “… El mundo retornará a su primer silencio.” Estudio sobre el silencio y el lenguaje en relatos apocalípticos judeo-cristianos.Cesar Octavio Carbullanca Nuñez - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1042.
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  9. Mỹ học Mác--Lê-nin.Văn Khang Đỗ - 1985 - Hà Nội: Đại học và trung học chuyên nghiệp. Edited by Huy Đỗ.
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  10. Rossi, Paolo. Logic and the Art of Memory.N. O. Gorman - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (2):168-171.
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  11.  22
    Oakeshott's Life and Time: A Philosophical and Personal Memoir.N. O'Sullivan - 2018 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 24 (2):199-215.
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  12.  49
    The Foundations of Belief.N. D. O’Donoghue - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:224-234.
    This is a follow-up to The Future of Belief, and it resumes and develops all the main themes of that very controversial book: the dehellenisation of philosophy and theology, the rejection of the correspondence theory of truth, the identification of man and consciousness, the radical mutability of dogma, the assertion that God does not exist since He is beyond being, and the attendant distinction between being and reality. There is, in fact, little or nothing that is new in the way (...)
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  13.  22
    Body and soul.N. D. O'Donoghue - 1979 - Journal of Medical Ethics 5 (4):203-204.
  14.  40
    Virtues and Vices.N. D. O’Donoghue - 1980 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 27:422-423.
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  15. Chʻŏrhak ŭi chʻŏrhak: che-1 chʻŏrhak ŭi inyŏm kwa pangbŏp.O. -hyŏn Sin - 1988 - Sŏul: Munhak kwa Chisŏngsa.
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  16. Lịch sử mỹ học: nguyên thủy và Hy lạp cổ đại.Văn Khang Đỗ - 1983 - [Hà Nội]: Văn hóa.
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  17.  62
    Le Lien Substantiel et la Substance Composée d’aprés Leibnitz. Texte Latin.N. D. O’Donoghue - 1972 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 21:322-323.
  18.  59
    God and Timelessness.N. D. O’Donoghue - 1972 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 21:320-322.
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  19.  6
    Tungan -- huvudets baneman: om hämnd, vedergällning och heder, från stenålder till #metoo och gängkriminalitet.Olof Öhlén - 2021 - Lund: Ekström & Garay. Edited by Dick Harrison.
    En bok i hämnden, vedergällningen och hederns tecken, från stenåldern till #metoo och dagens gängkriminalitet och hederskultur. Med såväl historiska som nutida hämndexempel presenterar och fördjupar Olof Öhlen förståelsen för det breda hämndfenomenet.
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  20. Chaa ŭi chʻŏrhak.O. -hyŏn Sin - 1987 - Sŏul: Munhak kwa Chisŏngsa.
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  21.  47
    Philosophie et Religion. [REVIEW]N. D. O’Donoghue - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:350-352.
    This book is a putting together of articles published in Louvain philosophical and theological journals over the past few years. The collection has more unity and continuity of theme than is usual in this kind of book, and one has the impression that Canon Van Riet had the book in mind when he wrote the articles. Although it is a series of studies rather than a continuous treatise, it is, in the judgement of the present reviewer, the best book that (...)
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  22.  50
    On Poisson brackets and symplectic structures for the classical and quantum zitterbewegung.A. O. Barut & N. Ünal - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (11):1423-1429.
    The symplectic structures (brackets, Hamilton's equations, and Lagrange's equations) for the Dirac electron and its classical model have exactly the same form. We give explicitly the Poisson brackets in the dynamical variables (x μ,p μ,v μ,S μv). The only difference is in the normalization of the Dirac velocities γμγμ=4 which has significant consequences.
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  23. Power, authority and legitimacy: a critique of postmodern thought.N. O'Sullivan - 2000 - In Noël O'Sullivan, Political theory in transition. New York: Routledge.
  24. Chayu wa pigŭk: Sarŭtʻŭrŭ ŭi inʼgan chonjaeron.O. -hyŏn Sin - 1979 - Sŏul: Munhak kwa Chisŏngsa.
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  25.  43
    Existence and God.N. D. O’Donoghue - 1968 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 17:110-120.
    EXISTENCE EXISTS. I imagine that this statement will seem to many people to be either meaningless or false or pointless. In what follows I shall try to show that the statement is meaningful, true, important.
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  26.  45
    In Defence of the Third Way.N. D. O’Donoghue - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:172-177.
    DR JOSEPH BOBIK’S article The First Part of the Third Way is a notable contribution to the literature on the subject. Anybody who has wrestled with the text itself—a text as profound and disconcerting as anything St Thomas has written—will be grateful for the many fine elucidations the article provides, and will be grateful especially for the fact that he has kept to the text itself as given in Summa Theologiae I, q 2, a 3 and has not read into (...)
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  27.  53
    Pathos and Significance.N. D. O’Donoghue - 1970 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 19:119-125.
    PATHOS is not the same thing as suffering, though, of course, it is bound up with suffering, just as it is bound up with contingency and loneliness. We suffer when somebody dies whom we loved, but pathos makes its appearance only when we turn up a letter and find in it some characteristic turn of expression, brave and cheerful perhaps in face of pain or disappointment, or an old jacket, or a pipe, or things arranged in a certain way in (...)
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  28.  9
    Introduction.N. O'Sullivan - 2016 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 22 (2):225-231.
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    Michael Oakeshott and John Grote: On the Nature of Self-Realization and Idealist Philosophy.N. O'Sullivan - 2016 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 22 (2):278-298.
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  30.  29
    The tragic vision in the political philosophy of Nikolai Berdyaev (1874-1948).N. O'Sullivan - 1998 - History of Political Thought 19 (1):79-99.
    Western political thought during the past two centuries has been inspired by a dream of liberation that has left it prey to ideological visions of utopia. Various attempts have been made to counteract this vulnerability, but one of the most ambitious has been relatively neglected. This is the use of the tragic vision to emphasize the limits imposed upon political action by the existence of ineliminable tensions inherent in the human condition. What is of especial interest in this connection is (...)
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  31.  27
    God and Philosophy. [REVIEW]N. D. O’Donoghue - 1968 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 17:303-304.
    In this closely argued book Professor Flew of Keele University examines the philosophical arguments in favour of theism and Christianity, and finds them inadequate. He begins by analysing the notion of ‘God’, goes on to evaluate the more usual arguments for God’s existence and, finally, takes up the question of miracles as evidence for the truth of Christianity.
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  32.  43
    Prouver Dieu. [REVIEW]N. D. O’Donoghue - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:302-303.
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  33. Filosofía de la historia.Julián Sanz del Río - 1977 - [Soria]: Centro de Estudios Sorianos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Edited by Franco Díaz de Cerio Ruiz.
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    Yield strength temperature dependence of tungsten nanosized crystals: experiment and simulation.S. Kotrechko, O. Ovsjannikov, N. Stetsenko, I. Mikhailovskij, T. Mazilova & M. Starostenkov - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (5):473-485.
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  35. A jog birodalma, bevezetés a jog- és államtudományba.Ödön Kuncz - 1946 - Budapest,: Grill K..
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  36.  46
    Media linguistics as a modern scientific field.O. Tayupova & N. Bychkovskaia - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (1):38.
    The purpose of this article is to examine the features of media linguistics as an actual scientific field. The concepts of mass communication and mass media are distinguished. On the example of magazine interview an attempt is made to reveal the possibilities of studying this type of text from a position of media linguistics.
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    L’Être et la Conscience Morale. [REVIEW]N. D. O’Donoghue - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:301-302.
    This book is a collection of articles on philosophical and theological topics which have already appeared in the Revue Thomiste, the Revue Philosophique de Louvain and Lumiàre et Vie. There are articles on L’àtre and articles on aspects of La Conscience Morale, but the et of the title does no more than tie the two bundles together, and the reader who expects a discussion on the metaphysical basis of morality will be disappointed. And I think M Corvez is somewhat unfair (...)
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  38.  38
    Marx and the Authentic Man. [REVIEW]N. D. O’Donoghue - 1968 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 17:304-305.
    The scope of this book is accurately stated in the title and subtitle. It provides a clear outline of the main Marxist concepts and theses grouping them around the central concept of the ideal of the authentic man—the working man in a worker’s state freed from the alienations and estrangements of ‘capitalist’ society. Dr Koren is neither Marxist nor anti-Marxist, and he rounds off each chapter with some critical reflexions. The criticism is well-balanced, erudite, unpolemical. The author knows his texts (...)
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  39.  7
    Wŏnhyo chʻŏrhak esei.O. -hyŏn Sin - 2003 - Sŏul-si: Minŭmsa.
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  40.  20
    El problema del nuevo testimonio en Chile. Relatos de víctimas de tortura y abuso sexual.César Carbullanca Núñez - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 25:9-36.
    El artículo estudia la emergencia de testimonios de torturados durante la dictadura militar y posteriormente de testimonios de víctimas de abusos sexuales y de conciencia por parte de sacerdotes chilenos, postulando que estamos frente un nuevo tipo de testimonio que emerge de situaciones de violencia. La pesquisa realiza un análisis semiótico de estos relatos estudiando axiomas que caracterizan este tipo de texto sosteniendo que estos textos poseen una relevancia epistémica y teológica esencial para la superación de la crisis eclesial.
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  41.  15
    Studies in Greek History.J. A. O. Larsen & N. G. L. Hammond - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (3):329.
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  42.  10
    Cincuenta cartas inéditas entre Sanz del Río y krausistas alemanes, 1844-1869: con introducción y notas.Julián Sanz del Río - 1993 - Madrid: UPCO. Edited by Enrique M. Ureña.
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  43. Ukrainian Identity in the Context of Memory and Forgetting: Philosophical and Anthropological Analysis.A. O. Khodzhaian & N. V. Savchuk - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 26:22-32.
    Мета. Головний зміст представленого дослідження складає філософсько-антропологічний аналіз проблеми пам’яті в контексті феномену забуття, суттєвих факторів ствердження нового образу української людини, її національної пам’яті та ідентичності. Вказана обставина, у ситуації оборони України від російського агресора, відстоювання свобод і європейських цінностей, ставить такі завдання: 1) здійснити послідовний огляд концептуального змісту понять "пам’ять" та "забуття" і виявити їх філософсько-антропологічний зміст; 2) провести аналіз феномену національної пам’яті та показати її значення для боротьби українського народу за європейський вибір; 3) дослідити основні параметри процесу формування (...)
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  44.  3
    Historia de la filosofía moderna.Joaquín Jareño Alarcón - 2023 - Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.
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  45.  12
    El desafío de la bioética: Textos de bioética.Asunción Álvarez del Río & Paulina Rivero Weber (eds.) - 2009 - México, D. F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    El desaf o de la bio tica es el segundo de una serie de vol menes que lleva al p blico lector la reflexi n y discusi n de diversos temas de este campo de estudio desde una perspectiva laica, racional, multidisciplinaria y plural. Despu s del xito del primer volumen, la construcci n de la bio tica, en este texto se tratan cuestiones que se debaten en todo el planeta. Las humanidades y el mundo actual frente a la t (...)
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  46.  58
    Creation and Providence. [REVIEW]N. D. O’Donoghue - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20 (2):346-348.
    This book is part of the series The Herder History of Dogma edited by Michael Schmaus and Aloys Grillmeier. This context helps to define the nature and limits of the work: it is not a philosophical but a theological work, and it is not so much concerned with creation and providence as with what various theologians have said about them. In a study that ranges from Genesis to Scheeben there can be no question of a full exploration of any particular (...)
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  47.  43
    Richard Kirwan, an Irish Chemist of the Eighteenth Century.J. Reilly & N. O'flynn - 1930 - Isis 13 (2):298-319.
  48.  86
    A Christian for All Christians: Essays in Honour of C. S. Lewis, edited by Dr. Andrew Walker and Dr. James Patrick; and A Barfield Sampler: Poetry and Fiction by Owen Barfield, Jeanne Clayton Hunter, and Thomas Kranidas. [REVIEW]N. D. O'Donoghue - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (4):527-529.
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  49.  58
    Freedom and Rights. [REVIEW]N. D. O’Donoghue - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:298-301.
    This is a statement and defence of an ethical and social philosophy which the author terms ‘critical humanism’, which may be described in very general terms as the view of life and human problems which one finds in The Guardian and the London ‘quality Sundays’. Freedom is a good thing; all men are equal; poverty and distress must be relieved as far as possible; democracy is the best system of government. Other good things are : divorce, contraception, euthanasia, abortion. Dr (...)
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  50.  38
    Ideology and Analysis. [REVIEW]N. D. O’Donoghue - 1968 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 17:305-306.
    This book is a sustained and powerful exercise of reflection on reflection—leading to the conclusion announced in the subtitle.
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